Can I Whiten Tobacco-Stained Teeth?

Your teeth stain just as easily as your clothes. Some of the substances we put in our mouths every day, like coffee and tomato juice, can cause a lot of yellowness and discoloration. Depending on how your teeth got stained in the first place, you can opt for teeth whitening in Desert Hot Springs. But what if your smoking habit is the culprit behind stained and yellow teeth? Can you whiten tobacco-stained teeth?

Can I Whiten Tobacco-Stained Teeth?

You may be asking, “Can I whiten tobacco-stained teeth”? It’s possible to remove the yellowness that has built up as a result of smoking over the years. Read on to find out how you can remove tobacco stains from your teeth while investing in a healthier lifestyle.

Tobacco Use Over the Years

It’s no secret that prolonged tobacco use is bad for your body in a lot of ways. The stains on your teeth aren’t the only oral health problem that can come from nonstop smoking. Not only does tobacco discolor your teeth, but it also weakens your enamel and your gums.

This could cause you to be more susceptible to infection and disease over time, as your immune system can become more vulnerable. The CDC reports that smokers are twice as likely to develop gum disease as non-smokers. Consider changing your lifestyle habits while you take a look at the best treatment options for tobacco-stained teeth.

At-Home Treatment Options

The best way to completely remove tobacco stains from your teeth is to visit your professional dentist. While you wait for your appointment, there are a few techniques you can practice at home to wear down the years and years of smoking stains:

  • Whitening strips. You can find whitening strips in most convenient stores. These strips can be placed along your teeth and worn for a few minutes at a time. While they are not as effective as professional whitening solutions, they can help take some of the discoloration down.
  • Whitening toothpaste. Incorporate teeth whitening into your everyday life by getting your hands on some whitening toothpaste. While all toothpastes remove some stains and discolorations, specialty toothpaste can dig deeper to uproot some of those bigger and darker stains.
  • Mouthwash. After you brush and floss your teeth, use mouthwash to create a sparkly and shiny look. This doesn’t get rid of deep stains, but it can help your teeth get clean and refreshed.

Even if you aren’t a traditional smoker, you may suffer from stains due to tobacco use. E-cigarettes and nicotine pens can still affect and weaken your teeth.

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Works

If you are serious about removing some of the most deep-seated tobacco stains on your teeth, there is only one way to truly get it done. Professional teeth whitening introduces dental-grade bleaching agents applied to your teeth with a UV light. The process is quick, pain-free, and affordable, making it one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures in the world.

The in-office procedure only takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour. Your dentist may also prescribe at-home bleaching gels that you can apply according to the instructions given to you. Remember to use whitening gel in moderation, and only when you need to remove dark stains on your teeth. Professional whitening is guaranteed to remove almost all extrinsic stains.

Get Your Bright White Smile Back Today!

Years of tobacco use can do a lot of damage, but thankfully some of these damages can be undone. At Shodhan Dentistry, your local Desert Hot Springs dentist, we offer a range of cosmetic treatments that are fast-acting and easy to afford. If you are tired of the dark stains left on your teeth after years of smoking tobacco, you can invest in a simple in-office procedure to get your pearly whites back into shape. Schedule your personal consultation with us today!

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