Causes of Tooth Injuries

Teeth are a unique and fairly sensitive part of the body; because of the way they are positioned in the mouth, it can sometimes make injuries unavoidable. There are many causes of tooth injuries, from getting injured during contact sports to suffering a small trip down the stairs. If you have injured or lost your tooth because of an injury, it is important to visit your dentist Desert Hot Springs office right away. Below, you’ll find a list of the biggest causes of tooth injuries and how to get treatment for your tooth injury ASAP.

Symptoms of a Tooth Injury

Before figuring out the cause, it is important to diagnose the injury itself. You should know about the symptoms to expect when this kind of damage occurs in the mouth. You may be feeling symptoms such as:

  • Bleeding at the site of injury
  • Swelling or inflammation of the gums around the teeth
  • Chipped, cracked, broken, loose, or missing teeth
  • Pain in and around the affected area

Some tooth injuries are mild, and may not be caused as a result of severe trauma. However, even a slight toothache or symptoms of swelling can be a sign that you have suffered a tooth injury.

Biggest Causes of Tooth Injuries

So, what exactly are the biggest causes of tooth injuries? Can they be avoided? According to research, falling is the most common cause of tooth injuries overall. But other things can put your teeth at risk of injury too. Let’s take a look at some other significant causes.

Car Accidents

Whether as a driver or a passenger, it’s dangerous to be involved in an accident that may cause whiplash or other physical injury. Your mouth may get damaged depending on how your body falls and where you land.

Sports Games

Contact sports are named that way for a reason. One aggressive move could make you fall face-first onto the ground, which is sure to damage your teeth. If you wear a protective mouthguard while you play, you can keep your teeth from getting injured the next time you play a game.


Falling is the most common cause of tooth injuries because falling is a common risk. Tripping over something or falling down the stairs can pose a lot of risks both to your dental health and your medical health overall. Make sure to remove obstacles and falling hazards from your daily life so you can avoid unnecessary damage.

Treating Tooth Injuries

The first thing you should do when you sustain a tooth injury is to visit your emergency dentist Desert Hot Springs office right away. Going to the emergency dentist can often save your tooth or save you from infection and pain. Depending on the type of damage done to your tooth, treatment can involve dental bonding, tooth extraction, or a root canal.

Your dentist will first perform tests to diagnose your tooth injury. A cracked or chipped tooth may be repaired with bonding or a dental filling, but a missing or shattered tooth might require extraction. Afterward, you have the option to invest in dental implants or dentures to restore the natural look of your smile.

Visit Your Trusted Emergency Dentist Today!

At Shodhan Dentistry, we offer the best dental services for you and your family. Dealing with a physical injury is never fun, and the best way to deal with this traumatic event is to visit an emergency specialist right away. You can save or heal your tooth before further damage spreads to the rest of your body. For top-notch dental care, get in touch with our experts at the office of Dr. Shodhan today. We look forward to helping you restore a beautiful and healthy smile!

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