How Are Invisalign Aligners Made?

Invisalign aligners are a popular orthodontic treatment. They are a top choice for patients because of their discretion and effectiveness. Today, Shodhan Dentistry answers the question of how Invisalign aligners are made. After understanding the Invisalign process, you should have a greater knowledge of whether the treatment is right for you.


How Are Invisalign Aligners Made?


Consultation and Candidacy Requirements

Your journey to a more uniform smile starts with a consultation. A dentist will assess your teeth and meet with you to discuss your aesthetic goals. Many patients are good candidates for Invisalign aligners, but they are not for everyone. Working with a skilled dentist can ensure that Invisalign is the best orthodontic treatment for you. Candidates for treatment include those with mild to moderate orthodontic issues and healthy teeth and gums.


Imaging and Scanning

Invisalign aligners are molds that move teeth into the desired position. Getting started with treatment involves 3D imaging and digital scanning. The images of your teeth are used to create an accurate aligner model. Prior methods used to take a mold of your teeth. However, the digital scans are much more accurate. They provide a perfect customized fit for your teeth. 


Customized Treatment Plan

Every patient is unique when it comes to which treatment is best suited to them. Generally, a patient’s aligners are replaced every two weeks. Your dentist will take the 3D images and scans and create a customized treatment plan for you. The plan outlines the movement of your teeth throughout the entire treatment process. You will quickly see how your teeth shift into the desired position to create your perfect smile. The model is also beneficial as it outlines how long your treatment will take. Most patients are done with treatment within 12 to 18 months. However, the exact timeline is contingent on how well one follows their treatment guidelines.


Creating the Aligners

Once the treatment plan has been completed, the aligners are created. They are made with clear and flexible plastic in a lab with a 3D printer. They are designed to be comfortable even though they apply pressure to your teeth. Despite being made from plastic, they are highly durable. If your aligners are not comfortable, it is important to consult with your dentist right away. Issues with your aligners can extend your treatment timeline, so it is important to address them early on. 


Wearing Your Aligners

Once your aligners come back from the lab, you can begin treatment. Your dentist will have you try on your first set of aligners while in office so the can assess the fit and determine if any adjustments are needed. After they have ensured the correct fit of your aligners, you will be sent home to begin your Invisalign treatment. It should go without issue so long as you follow the necessary guidelines. Your aligners need to be worn for 20 to 22 hours each day and should only be taken out when you eat or drink and perform your daily oral care routine. This means that you will need to wear your aligners to sleep. The transition is generally very easy for patients, so you should get used to them fairly quickly. 


Attend Your Appointments

You will need to switch to new aligners every couple of weeks. Be sure to make all of your appointments to ensure that you stay on your intended treatment timeline. It is also helpful so that your dentist can assess your progress, determine if there are any issues, and address them right away. 


Orthodontic Services

If you are unhappy with your smile, consider orthodontic services at Shodhan Dentistry. They have helped countless patients improve the look of their smiles. Contact their team today to schedule your consultation!

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