Can Children Get Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a great modern solution for people with missing teeth. Implants look and function just like natural teeth, providing excellent bite force and comfort to patients. That is why parents whose kids lost their teeth due to, for example, an oral trauma wonder: Can children get dental implants? In this article, we answer this question and discuss dental restoration options for children.


Can Children Get Dental Implants?

The short answer to this question is no. As a general rule, children under 18 years of age can not get dental implants. In some cases, even 18-year-olds might be too young for dental implants if the jawbone is still developing and growing. Typically, jawbone development can be completed earlier in girls than in boys. Therefore, female patients might be able to get implants at the age of 16 to 17, while male patients—at the age of 17 to 18. A thorough examination by a dentist is needed to determine if the jawbone development is complete and if a person is a good candidate for receiving dental implants. 


Why Children Can Not Get Dental Implants

There is a misconception that children can not get dental implants because the titanium they are made of is unsuitable for a growing person. However, materials implants are made of are safe for patients regardless of their age. The real reason why children are not suitable candidates is the way the implant restoration works.

A dental implant consists of a metal post inserted directly into the jawbone and a dental crown that looks and functions similarly to natural teeth. The jawbone fuses with the implant over time to securely support it. Thus, if the jaw bone is still growing and developing, there is a very high risk of the implant failing, which is the main reason why children can not get dental implants.


Why a Missing Tooth in Children Should Be Replaced

Replacing missing teeth in a growing mouth is needed to prevent other teeth from shifting into the gap and causing orthodontic and development issues. Also, a lack of one or several teeth leads to loss of function and prevents normal alveolar development. Furthermore, missing teeth allow bacteria and plaque to build up in the gaps, causing infections and gum disease. 

Another important reason for replacing missing teeth in children is to facilitate their normal physiological development and health. Missing teeth can lower kids’ self-esteem and prevent them from socializing healthily. In addition, missing teeth can cause speech impediments, such as a lisp, and lead to malnutrition because chewing food properly becomes challenging.


Alternatives of Dental Implants for Children

Before your child reaches the age appropriate for getting dental implants, they have several other options for tooth replacement. 


Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a non-removable restoration that looks similar to natural teeth and bridges the gap in the mouth. Depending on the type of bridge, it can replace one or several teeth. A dental bridge can be supported by surrounding teeth or bonded and fixed by resin. The choice might depend on personal preferences and the condition of the surrounding teeth. Typically, resin-retained bridges are less damaging for the surrounding teeth, but they can be used to replace only one tooth in most cases. 


Removable Partial Dentures

As the name suggests, removable partial dentures can be taken out at will. A partial denture can replace one or several teeth. It is fixed in the mouth by clasps that connect the denture to the surrounding teeth. There are several types of partial dentures: metal, acrylic, flexible dentures, etc. 



Braces can be a good solution for replacing a missing tooth and proceeding with orthodontic treatment at the same time. A prosthetic tooth can be attached to the wire to visually fill the gap. It also serves to preserve the space for an implant in the future. 


Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are typically used when a baby tooth is prematurely knocked out to preserve the space for the future permanent tooth and prevent the other teeth from moving into the gap. They can be fixed or removable.


Make an Appointment Today

If your child sustained an oral trauma and needs a tooth replacement, make an appointment with a dentist in Desert Hot Springs today. Highly qualified doctors at Shodhan DHS will help you choose the best tooth replacement option for your child. We are looking forward to your visit. 

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