Which Orthodontic Option Is Best For You?

Orthodontic treatment can benefit not only the appearance of your smile but also your oral and general health. Modern orthodontic solutions come in various forms, but which treatment option is best for you—Invisalign or braces? In this article, we will discuss these treatment options, their advantages and disadvantages, and the issues for which they are best suited. 


Which Orthodontic Option Is Best For You?

Remember that only your dentist can make the best recommendation after examining your teeth and oral health and considering other factors. Below, we discuss the pros and cons of the most common orthodontic solutions—traditional metal braces and Invisalign clear aligners—to help you stay more informed about your options. 


Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional braces typically consist of metal brackets attached to the teeth, elastic bands, and wires connecting the brackets. They work by gradually applying pressure to the teeth and forcing them into the desired position. 


Advantages of Metal Braces

  • Traditional braces are an effective and reliable orthodontic solution that has been utilized in dentistry for decades. One of the most significant advantages of metal braces is that they can solve a wide variety of complex orthodontic issues, including those that might not respond to other treatment options. Thus, if you have severe misalignment, bite issues, overcrowdedness, or other complications, traditional metal braces might be the most efficient choice for you. 
  • Metal braces are made of high-quality stainless steel and are, therefore, quite durable. The durability of the appliance is helpful in a patient’s daily life, but it is also a factor that makes braces so effective. They consist of a durable material that can withstand the pressure necessary to fix even severely misaligned teeth, allowing the dentist to have precision and control over tooth movement. 
  • Traditional metal braces might be one of the most time and cost-effective orthodontic treatments available today. This fact makes them suitable for people who want a more budget-friendly yet reliably effective treatment.


Disadvantages of Metal Braces

  • Traditional braces are more noticeable in the mouth compared to some other orthodontic solutions. However, modern braces have come a long way in terms of their appearance and can actually be relatively small and discrete. In addition, there are colorful options of bands for those who want to personalize the look of their braces. You also have the option of choosing less durable ceramic braces made of a tooth-colored material that makes them much less apparent in the mouth.
  • Maintaining traditional metal braces and oral hygiene with braces can be challenging. You will need to spend more time every day thoroughly brushing, flossing, and cleaning the braces than you usually do, as excellent oral hygiene is crucial when wearing braces.
  • Some patients might experience rubbing, soreness, and discomfort in the mouth when wearing braces. Usually, these symptoms go away once you become used to the appliances, but you are still likely to experience some tooth pain each time the braces are adjusted. However, toothache of this nature is unavoidable when teeth are forced to shift their position, regardless of the method of treatment.
  • Traditional metal braces require frequent visits to the dental office for adjustments to ensure the treatment progresses. Thus, you will need to visit the same dentist for the whole duration of the treatment.


Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign aligners come in the form of trays made of a clear transparent material. Similarly to traditional braces, Invisalign works by constantly applying pressure to the teeth and moving them into the correct position. You will change the trays regularly as the treatment progresses.


Advantages of Invisalign

  • A significant advantage of Invisalign is that it is made of transparent medical-grade plastic and is relatively discreet. Thus, Invisalign might be a good choice if you are concerned with the aesthetic side of the orthodontic solution.
  • Invisalign is typically a more comfortable option than traditional braces. Patients report that they rub less because they are smooth and do not have metal parts. However, some Invisalign patients say that initially, as they adjust to the treatment, Invisalign still causes some discomfort in the mouth. Also, some soreness of the teeth is unavoidable every time the trays are changed. 
  • Invisalign trays are removable, which makes it much easier to maintain good oral hygiene and to take meals. The trays themselves are also easy to clean. These factors reduce the risk of plaque buildup and cavities.
  • Treatment with Invisalign requires fewer visits to the dental office for adjustments, as you can switch your trays at home according to the schedule your dentist provides. However, you will still need to visit your dentist from time to time to check on the progress of the treatment.


Disadvantages of Invisalign

  • Invisalign treatment works best in more straightforward cases and is less suitable for people with more complex orthodontic issues.
  • To achieve the results, Invisalign requires discipline and strict commitment to wearing the trays for 22 hours every single day. It might be tempting to remove the trays when they get uncomfortable, or you feel tired. However, you should only remove them while you are eating meals and brushing your teeth. If you think that you will not wear your aligners all the time, it is better to choose traditional braces you cannot remove at will. 


Make an Appointment Today

If you are considering your best option for orthodontic treatment, do not hesitate to sign up for a consultation at a dental office in Palm Desert today. Our specialist will carefully examine your teeth and offer the best orthodontic option to solve your particular goals. Dentists at Shodhan DHS use only the best quality modern orthodontic materials and methods.

We look forward to welcoming you to our office. 

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