Why Do My Teeth Feel Weird After Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses composite resin material to restore cracks, chips, or discoloration of a patient’s teeth. Dental bonding is an effective way to improve the appearance of damaged teeth. However, it might take some time to get used to the change. In this article, we will explain how dental bonding works, what to expect after the procedure, and answer the question: “Why do my teeth feel weird after dental bonding?”

Why Do My Teeth Feel Weird After Dental Bonding?

It is normal and expected for your teeth to feel slightly weird for a couple of days after the procedure of dental bonding. This happens because our mouths are very sensitive to any change and sensations.

How Does Dental Bonding Work?

To perform dental bonding, your dentist will choose the tint of the composite resin material that matches the color of your natural teeth perfectly. Composite resin is a great material that is often used in dentistry because it is easily moldable and applicable and can be matched to your teeth in color. On top of that, this is a durable material that can last many years with proper care.

Once composite resin is applied to your tooth, it will be shaped and adjusted to effectively cover and restore the cracks and chips in the tooth. The next step is hardening the material using a special like. When this is done, your dentist will ask you if your bite feels comfortable and make some adjustments if necessary. This ensures that, in the end, your teeth and bite feel natural, and you do not experience any discomfort when eating or speaking.

However, since some foreign material was applied to your teeth, they might feel bigger or oddly shaped for some time until you get used to the change. You can also feel slightly uncomfortable in your lips and tongue. Then you will stop noticing this and will feel as you did before the procedure.

Teeth Sensitivity After Dental Bonding

Typically, the procedure of dental bonding in Desert Hot Springs is painless as it is non-invasive, and your teeth do not require any special care after it. But you might experience slight teeth sensitivity after bonding, especially when consuming something hot or cold. This happens because composite resin is acidic and can irritate the tooth to which it is applied.

Tooth sensitivity caused by bonding usually goes away in a couple of days and there will not be any further issues. In fact, as dental bonding seals the tooth underneath it, it can decrease the overall sensitivity in the future. If sensitivity does not go away in a couple of days, make an appointment with your dentist for a checkup.

Dental Bonding Aftercare Tips

Typically, there is no need for any special care after dental bonding. As composite resin is hardened during the procedure, you can return to your daily activities and eat and drink normally right after the procedure. However, you should still follow a couple of rules to keep the results of the procedure intact for as long as possible. Your bonding can last for 3 to 10 years before it needs to be retouched. The better care you take of your teeth, the longer the life span of the bonding can be.

Dos and Don’ts After Dental Bonding

  • Choose a softer brush to avoid damaging the bonding material with hard bristles.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly twice every day.
  • Do not use abrasive toothpastes as they can damage the bonding and enamel of your other teeth, causing microabrasions and leading to discoloration and stains.
  • Floss your teeth every evening to make sure that you get rid of all the food residue and bacteria that lingers between your teeth.
  • Visit your dentist every 6 to 12 months for professional cleanings and checkups to prevent plaque buildup and cavities.
  • Wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports.
  • Avoid teeth-staining products, as they can stain composite resin as well (coffee, black tea, red wine, berries and juices, candies, drinks containing dye, tobacco products).
  • Abstain from acidic foods and beverages (lemons, juices, etc.) that can erode the bonding material and the enamel of your natural teeth.
  • Avoid hard and crunchy foods that can physically damage your bonding, do not use your teeth as tools.

Make an Appointment Today

Dental bonding is a popular cosmetic procedure for a reason. It helps to solve many issues and significantly improve the appearance of your teeth, being non-invasive at the same time. If you need dental bonding due to cracks, chips, or other cosmetic imperfections of your teeth, or simply want to learn more, do not hesitate to make an appointment at Shodhan DHS. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our office.

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