Can You Be Born Without Wisdom Teeth?

Can you be born without wisdom teeth? In fact, yes. Many people are born without wisdom teeth, and many more are born with only one set on either the top or the bottom of their mouth.

The fact that this occurs should strengthen your faith in the evolutionary process, as a lack of wisdom teeth indicates that our species is still very much engrossed in this. Wisdom teeth are slowly being phased out of our species, one birth at a time.

Can You Be Born Without Wisdom Teeth?

Don’t fret if you have them, however. Wisdom tooth extraction is easier than ever to perform and highly efficacious.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom Teeth is the name that we’ve given to a set of teeth in the back of the mouth. These teeth tend to grow into a person’s jaw in their late teens and early adulthood, which has lent them their name. More specifically, wisdom teeth are the third and final molars in the back of the mouth.

Wisdom teeth are an example of a vestigial organ or a part of the body that no longer serves a distinct evolutionary purpose in terms of what it does for the body. This makes them similar to the tailbone, another leftover in our bodies from an age past.

Like the tailbone, wisdom teeth have proven to often be more trouble than they are worth in today’s society. This is partially because these teeth are prone to damage and infection. Part of this is due to the fact that our jaw bones have gradually decreased in size over time as well. This is why many dentists recommend that you have your wisdom teeth removed before too long.

Why Don’t Some People Have Wisdom Teeth?

As stated before, wisdom teeth are in the process of slowly being phased out of our evolutionary development. This is because they were mostly utilized for helping us chew tough raw meat and fibrous stalks of wild plants.

Now that we have the technology to cook our food, these teeth just aren’t needed anymore. The lack of wisdom teeth is the result of millions of years of evolutionary development. Nowadays, dentists estimate that over 1/3 of all individuals are born without any wisdom teeth at all.

What Occurs During Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom teeth can quickly become serious problems due to the fact that they can often cause excruciating amounts of pain for patients if the problems they cause go unaddressed.

A rotten wisdom tooth can heavily impact the rest of the mouth by affecting surrounding teeth, as well as the nerves surrounding those teeth.

A wisdom tooth extraction isn’t a simple process but also doesn’t have to be the worst thing in the world. A dentist begins by applying a local anesthetic to the treatment are of the mouth. After this area of the mouth is completely numbed, the wisdom tooth is extracted. More complex cases may see a patient being referred to an oral surgeon.

How Long Does It Take To Recover from Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Recovery times from wisdom tooth extraction can vary. This happens since each person’s case with regard to this delicate process is bound to be slightly different.

In general, the first 48 hours after the procedure are considered to be the most painful. Most patients will experience a certain amount of soreness and stiffness. They also may have as swelling in their mouth and jaw after this experience.

Most patients will find they can make a full recovery within about 1-2 weeks of their initial procedure. Although complications are rare, one should be aware that there is a possibility of them occurring. You’ll be able to discuss with your physician whether or not they anticipate any in regard to your personal case.

Most dentists recommend wisdom tooth removal even if the teeth aren’t actively bothering you. This is because the potential for dysfunction with regard to these teeth is high. So high that physicians typically prefer to take the initiative and remove wisdom teeth before they start causing problems in the other teeth of the mouth.

A healthy head of teeth is also implicitly indicated in maintaining proper jaw health, as well as health in the rest of the body.

The Wisdom Teeth Experts of Desert Hot Springs

Shodan Dentistry Desert Hot Springs gives 100% to every project in terms of providing patients with the highest level of dental care possible. If you’re experiencing wisdom tooth pain, then contact us today in order to set up an appointment to resolve this issue.

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