Guide to Dental Health and Root Canals

Root canal treatment is a vital procedure in endodontics. It is the only method that can remove decay from the root of your teeth. Root canal treatment is essential for anyone with tooth decay or bacterial infection. This is the best way to prevent tooth loss, disease, and further decay. Root canals aren’t always popular, however, because so many people are worried about going through a painful or traumatizing process. Root canals can only be performed in an emergency situation if decay has reached too deep within your tooth. Let’s see our guide to dental health and root canals.

Guide to Dental Health and Root Canals

The truth of the matter is that root canals are often necessary to avoid total tooth extraction. If you are still looking to learn more about this procedure, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, experts from your local Desert Hot Springs dental office offer this brief guide to dental health and root canals to help make this a more understandable and painless process.

What Exactly is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canals are the last option before total tooth removal. Root canals are necessary to save your tooth and protect your mouth from further infection while also keeping future decay at bay. This involves removing the “pulp” from the tooth, which is the substance that connects it with your nervous system. It is found deep at the root of your tooth.
The infection cannot be spread once the affected part of the tooth is removed. The best part of this procedure is that your teeth will still be functional and intact even after the pulp has been removed. The dentist will not usually recommend an extraction unless there is an emergency; however, root canals can almost always save your teeth from certain infections.

Becoming a Candidate for Root Canal Treatment

Signing up for a root canal procedure can help you relieve pain fast. Candidates for root canal treatment are likely to be suffering from the most severe signs of decay or infection. These bothersome symptoms can include:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Difficulty eating or chewing without feeling immense pain
  • Trouble speaking easily
  • Constant toothache or a tooth pain that will not go away
  • Dental decay that has spread too far for a simple cavity filling to treat
  • Red or swollen gums

These symptoms can be very distressing, so it is crucial to contact a trusted doctor immediately. If the tooth does not receive a root canal, it will continue to decay. This can lead to pain, discomfort, and eventually tooth loss. This can spread to your gums and jaw, which can cause further complications. Root canals are a great way to save your teeth and strengthen the natural tooth.

Relieve Pain Before, During, and After Your Treatment

You can choose from a range of sedation options to help you feel comfortable throughout your procedure. Root canals can be performed under anesthesia. This helps keep the patient comfortable and relieves any pain. This will make sure that you feel pain-free both before and after your root canal. Some of the numbing medications will begin to wear off once the root canal procedure has been completed.

You may experience tenderness or swelling in the area during the first stages of your recovery. Your dentist may prescribe pain medication to treat this discomfort. Some patients do not feel any pain or don’t have severe enough to require medical intervention. Even patients who experience pain, it is usually for a brief period of time. This should give you hope that root canals don’t seem so bad.

Treat Your Mouth With a Professional Root Canal Today

Root canals are necessary to save your tooth from severe tooth decay. If you wait too long to sign up for a personalized root canal treatment, your tooth may not be saved and you will have to get an extraction. We offer painless, advanced root canal procedures that will restore your health and eliminate pain. Call us today to learn more!

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