Key Advantages of Implant Dentures

If you are in need of a new set of teeth, but you aren’t sure whether or not dentures are the best option for you? You might be the perfect candidate for implant-supported dentures, which attach to your jawbone rather than to your gums. Implant dentures do require more support since we will surgically attach the implant posts to your jawbone. While this requires an intense surgical process, it is one of the most successful restorative dentistry procedures that can offer permanent results.

Key Advantages of Implant Dentures

Rather than going for traditional dentures, you can ask your trusted dentist in Desert Hot Springs about the key advantages of implant dentures in today’s advanced medical fields. Keep reading to learn about some of the biggest benefits you can take advantage of with your own custom set of dentures.

How Implant-Supported Dentures Work

You can replace one or multiple teeth at the same time with implant-supported dentures, as this is the most highly recommended procedure for those who are missing multiple teeth. The first stage in this process is to surgically install the dental implants by fastening posts to your jawbone. They will remain there permanently, so you have structural support to keep your new teeth strong for life. Personalized crowns and caps will then be adhered to the top of the posts, giving you a new set of teeth that look and feel like normal.

Biggest Benefits of Implant Dentures

Living with missing teeth can be dangerous. Over time, bacteria and decay can build up in the gaps, and your jawbone can even start to lose some of its structural strength. You can support your entire health and well-being by taking advantage of the best benefits of implant dentures:

Don’t Deal with Adhesives

Some dental adhesives, like denture glue, can be tricky to work with. Traditional dentures require a glue to hold them in place, but this glue doesn’t always keep your dentures sturdy. Instead of having to invest in dental paste for your dentures, simply invest in permanent solutions for your mouth. Implant posts are affixed to your teeth and, therefore can never get loose or fall out.

Prevent the Risk of Bone Loss

Your jawbone can weaken without any natural teeth for it to support, causing the bone to get resorbed. This can cause the face to cave in as bone mass gets weaker and weaker. You can prevent this deterioration by adding a new set of teeth for your jawbone to hold onto. This can keep your mouth strong for the rest of your life, giving your oral health a second chance to improve.

Enjoy Eating and Speaking

Depending on the severity of your tooth loss, you might be having a hard time with normal activities like eating and smiling. It is difficult to eat solid foods without being able to chew on one side. Similarly, you may feel discouraged from smiling because you don’t like the way you look when you expose rows of missing teeth. Implant-supported dentures will give you the health boost – and the confidence boost – that you need to resume normal, natural activities.

Learn More About Implant-Supported Dentures Today

If you are a likely candidate for implant dentures in Desert Hot Springs, then our dental staff is eager to talk to you. Get in touch with us right away and start your journey to better dental health. Missing teeth lead to poor health, especially if you wait a long time before getting treatment. Reach out to our friendly specialists today to learn more about the lifelong advantages of implant dentures and give your mouth the second lease on life that it deserves.

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