Severely Stained Teeth? Here Are Your Options

Your teeth naturally stain over the course of your life because of the different food and drink substances you consume. While it’s normal to witness some yellowing over time, some people experience darker and more prominent stains on their teeth. Not only can these stains make for an unsightly smile, but they also have lasting damage on your oral health. What can be done about these severely stained teeth?

At Shodhan Dentistry, we offer a variety of solutions to treat stained teeth, no matter how shallow or deep that stain might be. Our dentist can treat stains before they have a permanent impact on your teeth. Looking for the best ways to deal with severely stained teeth? Here are your options!

Find the Type of Stain on Your Tooth

Teeth become stained for many different reasons. Natural discoloration due to eating certain foods and drinks (blueberries and coffee, for example) is known as extrinsic staining because the stain is only on the surface level of your teeth. These stains are easily removed with teeth whitening procedures or over-the-counter products that whiten and strengthen enamel.

More severe stains have penetrated deeper layers of your tooth, staining the more sensitive dentin inside. When the discoloration goes beneath the surface level of the tooth, it is known as intrinsic staining and can be much more difficult to get rid of. Intrinsic stains may be caused by physical trauma, injury, medication, or disease. Intrinsic stains may also be a result of untreated extrinsic stains.

Identifying the Color of Your Stain

The color of your tooth stain can say a lot about what type of stain it is as well as what caused it. For example, cavities often start out as a small white spot on your tooth that grows darker as the infection starts to spread. Surface-level stains can be yellow from tobacco or dark beverages, which turn brown over time and assist with tooth decay.

Advanced stains on the teeth may appear black or purple. This may be the sign of an advanced cavity, or it could indicate that you are consuming too much wine and tobacco.

Treatment of Severely Stained Teeth

How can you get rid of those dark stains on your teeth? Are there any discoloration procedures that can restore your teeth back to their beautiful, pearly-white selves? Here are several options for getting rid of tooth stains:

Dentist-Prescribed Treatments

Some stains require long-term treatment before they can fully disappear. When this happens, your dentist will send you home with an at-home treatment kit and a plan to improve your personal hygiene. This typically includes putting whitening gel on your teeth a few times a day until your next visit.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Patients with stained teeth often have a lot of success with an in-house teeth whitening procedure. Not only is teeth whitening the safest procedure available to help you treat tooth discoloration, but it is also quick and pain-free. With in-office teeth whitening, you can restore your teeth back to a bright white color and enjoy a stain-free mouth for years to come.

Porcelain Veneers

Unfortunately, some tooth stains are just too severe to get rid of completely. If you have tried other options for whitening your teeth and you have not seen any improvement, you may be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. As one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments around the world, porcelain veneers are a thin, tooth-shaped shell that is placed over the front of your tooth.

Not only does it protect the outside of your tooth by offering a shield, but it also covers up your stains and gives you the appearance of a brand-new mouth!

Get Rid of Tooth Stains Today!

Visit our veneers Palm Desert specialists today to learn more about your teeth whitening options. When it comes to severe stains and discoloration, it is important to get in touch with a professional to discuss the best treatments. Your bright smile is our number one priority. Get in touch with our dental experts today!

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