Top 7 Options for Fixing a Broken Tooth

It is scary to break a tooth, no matter what kind of circumstance you end up in. Whether you are by yourself outside or in your home surrounded by loved ones, it is important that you act fast so you have the best chance of fixing your broken tooth. Today, our Shodhan Dentistry experts will list out the top 7 options for fixing a broken tooth. Make sure you have the contact information of your local emergency dentist handy in case a situation like this were to occur.

Top 7 Options for Fixing a Broken Tooth


If the break on your tooth is quite mild, then you should be able to repair it with veneers. Using a small and thin piece of porcelain, the dentist can put a new “face” on the front of your teeth, covering up the break and protecting it against future damage. This is a good option for anyone looking for both medical and cosmetic treatment.

Dental Bonding

Some breaks and cracks are too big to simply cover up with veneers, but are not severe enough to merit an intensive procedure. Dental bonding is a resin-like adhesive that is put on your tooth and dried with a UV light. As it dries, it hardens to look and feel just like a natural part of your mouth. Dental bonding adds a protective layer over your tooth so the broken or chipped area is not vulnerable to dental decay.

Root Canal

In the most extreme cases, when your tooth is completely broken, you might only be able to remove it using a root canal treatment. This is a good option for saving your tooth from extraction. During this procedure, the dentist will “deaden” the tooth by removing infected pulp from the roots and then sealing it with a dental filling.

Dental Filling

Speaking of fillings, they are widely available at the dentist as a common treatment for many dental-related issues. Depending on the type of break you have suffered on your tooth, you might be able to seal the affected area with filling to make your tooth whole again. Fillings are temporary, however, so it is important to speak with your dentist about any long-term treatment plans.


Crowns are porcelain caps placed on top of your tooth, protecting its exposed parts from infection. If your tooth is broken or heavily cracked but you do not want an extraction, you may be able to receive a dental crown. These custom-made caps will blend in seamlessly with the rest of your mouth.


Similar to fillings, dental sealants are used primarily for filling in cracks and breaks in the tooth. You can think of dental sealants like caulk, a material that construction workers use when filling in holes in walls and ceilings. Dental sealant fills in the cracked areas to prevent a buildup of infection and decay.

Dental Implants

Major breaks and cracks might warrant an extraction. Similarly, the damage to your teeth may have been so impactful that one or more of your teeth were knocked out. In extreme cases like this, you would become the perfect candidate for the world’s most successful restorative dentistry procedure: dental implants. Implants are permanently fixed to your mouth using surgery, giving you a second set of teeth that look and feel just like the real thing.

Contact Your Emergency Dentist ASAP

Breaking a tooth is never a good experience, but you can prevent matters from getting worse by getting in touch with your dentist right away. Depending on the location and severity of your break, you may qualify for one of the above treatment options. Most importantly of all, remember not to panic, because as soon as you call your dentist, you are in good hands.

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