What to Avoid After Teeth Whitening: 10 Foods and Drinks to Cut Out

Whether contending with persistent tooth discoloration or you want to heal damage done by a recent dental injury, our advanced teeth whitening solutions can be a ray of hope to anyone looking to improve both their visual and physical health. Through cutting-edge techniques, our treatments address dark stains, restoring your teeth to a radiant state. This uncomplicated procedure employs a UV-activated bleaching agent, ensuring that your teeth regain their bright, white luster, enhancing your self-assuredness. Let’s look at what to avoid after teeth whitening.

What to Avoid After Teeth Whitening: 10 Foods and Drinks to Cut Out

However, some foods and drinks will immediately put those stains right back on your teeth, counteracting all the hard work done by our advanced treatments. In order to ensure that you are getting the correct treatment from your local office of cosmetic dentistry in Desert Hot Springs, you need to know what to avoid after teeth whitening: here are 10 foods and drinks to cut out ASAP.

Coffee and Wine

While everyone likes to indulge in some coffee and wine throughout the day, it’s essential to acknowledge their staining effects on your teeth. Coffee, tea, and wine are potent contributors to tooth discoloration. Being well-versed in prevention and whitening methods is key if you want to keep drinking these dark-colored beverages every day.

Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. It also tastes good in smoothies and cocktails; however, tomato juice is among some of the most acidic, meaning it will stain your teeth right away. If you want to keep drinking tomato juice, make sure to brush your teeth immediately afterward.

Fruit Juices

While fruit juices can be refreshing, too much of this in your mouth can cause stains that look just as dark as those caused by tomato juice. Exercise caution with darker fruit juices, such as grape or cranberry, as their pigments can adhere to teeth surfaces. There is a reason why fruit juices are some of the biggest teeth stainers on the market!

Other Sugary Drinks

Dark teas, milkshakes, and soda beverages pose potential harm to your oral health. While some of these drinks might offer some nutritional benefits, their pigments can stain teeth. Soda pop, of course, is not just detrimental to your teeth but also very unhealthy for your diet.

Balsamic Vinegar

As a favored dressing or dip, balsamic vinegar’s dark pigments can impart stains to your teeth. If you are going to use this tart substance on a salad or as a bread dip, make sure you have some of your favorite whitening strips on hand. You can still enjoy the things you like without damaging your teeth – as long as you understand that you should eat everything in moderation.

Soy Sauce

Savoring soy sauce on various dishes comes at a cost, as its pigmented and sodium-rich nature can lead to teeth staining over time. The combined effects of sodium and pigments contribute to gradual discoloration, making soy sauce stains a little bit harder to detect at first. A good rule of thumb is to be careful when pouring soy sauce on your food, thinking about the impact it can have on your teeth.


Tomatoes are just as harmful in solid form as they are in juice form. Due to their high levels of acidity and deep red pigment, they can easily stain teeth. But they don’t stop at teeth; tomatoes can stain just about anything they come into contact with. You need to work fast when cooking with these delicious but acidic ingredients.


If there is anything even more pigmented than tomatoes, it’s beets. The innate redness of beets can extend beyond staining hands and surfaces to affecting teeth. These root vegetables, while beneficial, should be savored while maintaining diligent oral hygiene practices. Beet stains can be hard to remove, so please proceed with caution.


While berries offer antioxidants and vitamins, their intense pigments can leave lasting impressions on your teeth. Blueberries, in particular, are prone to staining due to their vibrant hue. If they bleed all over your hands, just imagine what they could do to your teeth.

Tobacco Products

While this isn’t necessarily a food item, it may be a substance that interacts regularly with your mouth. Tobacco that is chewed or smoked via cigarettes can have devastating effects on your oral health. Beyond yellowing your teeth, tobacco can contribute to gum disease and slow down your body’s healing process.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening Today

If you have been eating your favorite foods for too long without realizing the effect they have on your teeth, reach out to us today. You can sign up for a customized treatment of teeth whitening in Desert Hot Springs to prevent a decline in your overall health. Feel your confidence grow after you go through our painless teeth whitening treatment today!

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